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  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 31, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/31/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: It’s Wacky Wednesday! Write a poem about an alien invasion.

  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 30, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/30/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: Write a short story that starts with the sentence: “At 3:30 exactly, everything went horribly wrong.”

  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 29, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/29/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: Write a short story about a game of cards gone hilariously awry.

  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/28/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: Write a poem about writing a story.

  • promptmonkey 5:00 am on March 27, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/27/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: What if instead of humans inventing robots, robots had invented humans? Write a short story exploring this idea.

  • promptmonkey 5:00 am on March 26, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/26/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: Write a short story from the point of view of a dead person.

  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 25, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/25/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: Write a poem about whatever you want, and then incorporate it into the plot of a short story.

  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 24, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/24/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: It’s Wacky Wednesday! One night, you’re abruptly awoken to find an angry genie hovering over you, demanding that you refund it its three wishes. Write a short story about what happens next.

  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 23, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/23/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: Write a short story about a thief who steals only left shoes.

    • Alice 6:17 pm on March 23, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      The mayor awoke with a start and sat up straight in bed. He thought he’d heard a funny noise. Might there be — no; no burglar could simply waltz into his home at 2:17 in the morning. No, it must’ve been the dogs. But after another five minutes of lying nervously in the darkness, the mayor decided to take a peek around the house. Just in case.
      After nearly finishing his rounds, the mayor felt better. Only one place left to look, and it was the closet – as if, of all the valuables in the house, a thief would most want clothing. The mayor chuckled at the thought of it and patted his plump stomach as he flicked on the closet’s light switch, thinking that a midnight snack might serve him well.
      But then he froze. His smile remained plastered foolishly across his face; his eyes bulged manically. Then -“NOOO!” And he sagged to the floor, burying his face in his blue striped pajamas.

      The following morning, newscaster Mike “Dashing Smile” Kedzierski gave a special report on the local cable channel. “A rash of burglaries occurred last night in the neighborhoods of east-side residents. Though no broken locks or windows were reported and all residents went unharmed, the most curious part of this incident was the choice in stolen objects: left shoes. That’s right, folks; just the left shoes. Mayor Palumbo himself fell victim to this strange crime, and has reported, among other missing footwear, a whopping $450 brown suede formal left shoe. He could not be personally reached for comment, but earlier this morning he released a press statement saying that he remains distraught, but asks that all citizens remain calm while they investigate the source of this new outbreak of thefts. More on this after a few words from our sponsors.” A dazzling, light-reflected grin gleamed into the camera as the station faded to commercial.

      That day, the city streets were filled with confounded residents. “Did you see the news this morning? Weird, isn’t it?” they asked each other.
      Only one walked along the sidewalk with a smug smile on his face, that kind that can only come from an inside joke. Former Navy Captain Sean Brogan may have been broke, but he was comfortable for the first time in years. Very recently he had acquired a pricy brown suede formal shoe to ease his tired, sore foot. He strolled down the block with a new bounce in his step – at least, as much of a bounce as one could get with a wooden right leg.

  • promptmonkey 6:00 am on March 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Prompt 3/22/10 

    Promptmonkey Says: Write a short story starting with the sentence: “The room fell silent.”

    • EllenMarie 8:17 pm on March 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      The room fell silent. Okay, so maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.
      Kyle turned around and headed back to the car.
      “Kyle! Wait!”
      “You can’t make me go back there” he spat, “You told me this would work but it looks like you just made another mess. Way to go Georgia.”
      “No Kyle, give them another chance! You didn’t even”
      “No Georgia,” he interrupted “I’m going home now, I’ve had my share of humiliation for today .”
      He pushed his way past the small potted plants my mom keeps on the porch, hoped into the red Chevy and drove away. I sat on the light blue porch and started to cry. I should have known they wouldn’t have reacted well, it isn’t a normal occupation for a guy to have. But I thought they should know: Kyle was going to beauty school whether they liked it or not.
      It would be months before I would hear from my little brother again.

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